Talked away in the northeast corner of Coconut Grove bordering Brickell, the roads, Vizcaya and the Rickenbacker Bridge are two of Miami's most iconic neighborhoods. Natoma Manors and Bay Heights, While these neighborhoods share a similar location they're very different in age property size and demographics.

One thing to note, Natoma Manors has much older homes and a larger tree canopy, Natoma Manors homes are generally older, however, the developers have recently targeted the Natoma Manors neighborhood for building new construction homes. In Natoma Manors the mix of new homes and old homes really add to the charm of the Sleepy neighborhood. In addition to Old homes, Natoma Manors is home to nearly 40 to 50 peacocks roaming the streets it really is quite amazing how the peacocks have seemed to integrate into this neighborhood like nowhere else in Miami. I must say it's quite Charming to see a herd of 15 peacocks walking down the street leisurely eating bugs and flying onto rooftops. Another notable fact about Natoma Manors is there, police patrol. on any given day they are at least two police cruisers driving or parked in the Natoma Manors and Bay Heights neighborhoods. this extra police patrol is paid for by the two neighborhoods each neighbor contributes a portion of their taxes to the police patrol District. The Bay Heights police patrol car is easily visible on the street, however, Natoma Manors uses an undercover police car the changes every few weeks. I must say this is a great crime deterrent as these two neighborhoods are near the safest neighborhoods in Miami. But by far one of the most unknown and exceptional things about the Natoma Manor neighborhood is Mercy Hospital emergency power grid. as a homeowner what this means is when everyone else has a power outage FPL (Florida Power& Light) does their best to get the hospital running first, therefore, Natoma Manors is rarely without power and is the first to see the FPL trucks after a big storm or hurricane.
You can't go wrong with both of these neighborhoods, however, Bay Heights has two entrances one on Tiger Tail and one on Bayshore Drive making this neighborhood very quiet and with very little Street traffic. The Bay Heights subdivision was built after the Natoma Manors subdivision and was originally part of the Vizcaya estate most of the homes were built in the 70s and we're built slightly larger than the Natoma Manors homes one notable aspect is the lot size of the Bay Heights homes are slightly larger. I hope this article brings to light some very interesting aspects of these two wonderful Miami neighborhoods.